
Showing posts from August, 2024


In the article " Nessuno tocchi Anna Frank " (Hands off Anne Frank ) , published in Il Venerdì of La Repubblica on 26 July 2024, Prof. Tomaso Montanari invites everyone to see Anne Frank not as an adversary - as those who deface her image by comparing her to State of Israel - but a very powerful ally of those who embrace the Palestinian cause. Anne Frank, with her unjust death in the Shoah , would constitute, according to the rector of the University of Siena, a symbol of denunciation against any collective persecution and, in particular, against the "genocide" (sic!) of the Palestinians and the "violent ”. colonialism" in progress perpetrated thanks to the criminal choices of the State of Israel. By re-proposing the repeated analogy between Israel and Nazism and indicating in a single symbol the obscene affinity between the victims of yesterday and the "executioners" of today, Montanari returns to abusing a script that is often provocative and