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The  NES Noi Ebrei Socialisti - We the Socialist Jews , with  the Manifesto  that constitutes its premise, launches the following  Appeal for the creation of a Permanent Unilateral Negotiating Table (for Peace) , which openly, continuously and insistently calls for negotiations. Let the world know that the Jewish People, in the Land of Israel and in the Diaspora, indissolubly united in the struggle against terror and anti-Semitism, courageously calls for negotiations. One-sided bargaining is what one side carries out while waiting for the other side to become willing. The Unilateral and Permanent Negotiating Table would firmly demand: - to renounce anti-Semitism and terrorism as forms of political struggle; - to abandon the programme of destruction or subjugation of the Jewish people and the State of Israel. - to definitively reject the false accusations against the Jewish people of deicide, of conspiracy, of worshipping the god money, of constituting a world lobby for control and powe


NES WE SOCIALIST JEWS AND IL CENTRO INTERNAZIONALE DI BRERA PRESENT THE NES MANIFESTO AND APPEAL 25 Kislev 5784; 7 December 2023 We Socialist Jews Considering that anti-Semitism is re-exploding in Europe in the media, in the institutional, academic, civil, and production worlds, in the political world of right and left, with the old motivations, accusations, and modalities, which have their roots in Christian anti-Semitism and even further back in time; it reverberates in the Middle East with the propaganda of Hamas and other militant Islamist movements that are openly anti-Jewish, a variation on the theme, reinterpreting the same anti-Jewish modalities and prejudices of Christian, fascist and Nazi matrix; it echoes far across the world, fuelling the anti-Jewish hatred that for centuries has discriminated, persecuted, and eliminated Jews in thought and/or action. Considering also that there are repeated acts against Jews or against Jewish tangible or intangible property, e.g. stumbli