The NES Noi Ebrei Socialisti - We the Socialist Jews, with the Manifesto that constitutes its premise, launches the following Appeal for the creation of a Permanent Unilateral Negotiating Table (for Peace), which openly, continuously and insistently calls for negotiations.

Let the world know that the Jewish People, in the Land of Israel and in the Diaspora, indissolubly united in the struggle against terror and anti-Semitism, courageously calls for negotiations. One-sided bargaining is what one side carries out while waiting for the other side to become willing.

The Unilateral and Permanent Negotiating Table would firmly demand:
- to renounce anti-Semitism and terrorism as forms of political struggle;
- to abandon the programme of destruction or subjugation of the Jewish people and the State of Israel.
- to definitively reject the false accusations against the Jewish people of deicide, of conspiracy, of worshipping the god money, of constituting a world lobby for control and power over the media, finance and the entire world, the accusations of treason, revenge, greed, blood, the accusations of Zionism equals racism or Nazism, of colonialism, of apartheid, of genocide, aimed at the Jews and the state of Israel. All false accusations that incite violence and have caused millions of deaths over the centuries.
- to organise education and training programmes against anti-Semitism in schools, universities, political and cultural circles, and wherever possible, with lectures and intensive courses on racism, such as: anti-Semitism and Christianity, anti-Semitism and politics, anti-Semitism and law, anti-Semitism and science, anti-Semitism and art (painting, sculpture, literature and music), anti-Semitism and language, anti-Semitism in the Middle East, etc.

With regard to the conflict in the Middle East, the Unilateral and Permanent Negotiating Table would strongly reiterate that the following must be recognised:
- the human rights of everyone;
- a right of the state of Israel to exist in peace and security;
- a right of the Palestinians to self-determination and to establish themselves in a peaceful state with agreed borders.

The Unilateral and Permanent Negotiating Table must commit itself:
- to stop viewing the conflict as an exclusively military problem and to contribute transforming the armed conflict into a cultural conflict.
- to take into consideration the value and culture of enemy and neighbouring peoples, examining and making the different aspects in the field comprehensively explicit: cultural, legal, traditional, spiritual, material resources, and mutual aspirations. A road never travelled.
- to enhance the fruitful experiences of peaceful long-term coexistence between Jewish and Islamic communities around the world.
- to share proposals for the fairest possible management of goods and resources - water, land, food, energy, technology, infrastructure, cities.
- to revitalise communitarian and collectivist experiences (such as the kibbutzim and moshavim) and political forms that value diversity, social solidarity and cooperation (such as Cultural Federalism or Jewish Socialism).

We identified three fundamental principles that might be asserted both with peace and in the absence of peace:
- The principle of negotiation: according to which any hypothesis of negotiation, of political or cultural confrontation is possible, any solution is not to be excluded a priori within the framework of negotiation, i.e. the place where the parties meet, any effort in this sense can be useful to obtain even a partial agreement or a beginning of mutual recognition.
- The principle of reparation: this could be introduced to clarify and redefine the issue of land and to repay and compensate for the cost of property acquired, both on the Arab and Jewish side.
- The principle of solidarity: according to which it is necessary to help those who are weaker to help themselves, and it is dutiful to offer cooperation and support to any project aimed at promoting the cultural and social well-being of the parties.

The Unilateral and Permanent Negotiating Table will redistribute responsibility for the ongoing conflict onto the real perpetrators, including those whose propaganda instigates hatred; it will give the new protagonists a chance to build a future of coexistence; it will stimulate the parties' demands to be clear and explicit; it will provide insights for a strategic idea that is unimaginable today.

From the Unilateral and Permanent Negotiating Table, new ideas and perspectives can emerge, the intensity of the conflict can be reduced, feelings and hopes for reconciliation can be born: worthy interlocutors, capable of imagination and mature political vision, will be able to be recognised to undertake a cultural revolution and a path to peace.

We demand to support us and join the Appeal
- For a Permanent Unilateral Negotiating Table (for Peace).
- For the Transformation of the Armed Conflict into a Cultural Conflict.
- For a Cultural Revolution against Anti-Semitism.

Noi Ebrei Socialisti - We the Socialist Jews

Signatures follow:

In order to subscribe the Appeal, please write your name, surname and occupation to: mobile 371 3498062 (WA) and

NES Noi Ebrei Socialisti - We the Socialist Jews


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