Cardinal Ravasi, we listened to your speech on the RAI TV program "Quante Storie", a speech which dates back to November 2023, rebroadcast yesterday 10 July, and which has had its poisonous effects to this day. We are outraged and demand that you finally rescind your words. With subtle "wisdom", you did not hesitate to underline the importance of words, to exalt your linguistic and conceptual erudition, to fascinate and seduce the public, recalling distant years, when Pope Wojtyla, visiting the synagogue in Rome and to our great Rabbi Elio Toaff, he called the Jews "elder brothers". And with method and art, he did not hesitate to recall precisely that "fraternal" bond (which, alas, was never fraternal, but coercive) to launch a real imprecation against the Jews, accusing them of total revenge, of practicing not the so-called "law of retaliation", which would be too little, but the law of those who want revenge equal to 70 times 7 the in...