Cardinal Ravasi, we listened to your speech on the RAI TV program "Quante Storie", a speech which dates back to November 2023, rebroadcast yesterday 10 July, and which has had its poisonous effects to this day.

We are outraged and demand that you finally rescind your words.

With subtle "wisdom", you did not hesitate to underline the importance of words, to exalt your linguistic and conceptual erudition, to fascinate and seduce the public, recalling distant years, when Pope Wojtyla, visiting the synagogue in Rome and to our great Rabbi Elio Toaff, he called the Jews "elder brothers". And with method and art, he did not hesitate to recall precisely that "fraternal" bond (which, alas, was never fraternal, but coercive) to launch a real imprecation against the Jews, accusing them of total revenge, of practicing not the so-called "law of retaliation", which would be too little, but the law of those who want revenge equal to 70 times 7 the insult suffered!

Referring to the Jews as a people of revenge, you do not remember (or perhaps do not want to remember) the true meaning of that law which the Gospel, and then the Church, manipulated and transformed into the infamous "law of retaliation" (Matthew 5, 38- 42), which we all know is a law of justice for the Jews: the damage must be compensated with an equivalent sum and this must be established by the Court. And, without a doubt, you do not even remember (or do not want to remember) that Lamech's revenge of 70 times 7, to which you refer, also manipulated in the Gospel (Matthew 18, 21-22), does not concern the Jewish people, but that humanity destroyed by the universal flood because it was violent.

Thus, you skilfully treat the conflict between Israel and Hamas as if it were a theological conflict and as if the Palestinian people were the sacrificial victim of the never-quenched thirst for revenge and blood of the perfidious Jews. Not a word on the massacre of October 7th, nor a nod to a political analysis, whatever it may be, but an anathema against the Jews who, instead of turning the other cheek and forgiving 70 times 7 as the Church does, are accused of being guilty of horrible revenge.

Precisely this apolitical, symbolic, metaphorical, "theological" vision, which mystifies the reality of the ongoing war, throws fuel on the ancient anti-Semitic hatred that we saw spreading from 7 October onwards. A crescendo of words of contempt that nails an entire people who have been pointed out for two thousand years as vindictive, ferocious, deicidal, well poisoners.

From these accusations which have struck us in various ways in recent months and which are inflaming the European squares, others have arisen. Israel is a "colonial" country, it is a "bulwark of imperialism" among the peaceful peoples of the Middle East, the Jews are "white supremacists", when previously, in Europe, they were accused of being Semites, an inferior race.

Yet, we are sure, you do not forget and do not ignore that, while those ancient accusations of revenge aimed at the Jews are false, the millions of Jews who were actually persecuted and died for those stupid accusations reiterated for centuries, in the ghettos, in the fires during the inquisition, in the pogroms, up to the Shoah, accusations that you, with impunity and without any embarrassment or disturbance, still continue to raise.

You too, Cardinal Ravasi, have ridden, without fear or shame, this linguistic and conceptual trap called anti-Semitism.

As a fine scholar that he is, he cannot fail to notice the poison he has sown.

NES We Socialist Jews

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Date: 2024-07-11
Author: NES Noi Ebrei Socialisti - We Socialist Jews


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