

NES WE SOCIALIST JEWS AND IL CENTRO INTERNAZIONALE DI BRERA PRESENT THE NES MANIFESTO AND APPEAL 25 Kislev 5784; 7 December 2023 We Socialist Jews Considering that anti-Semitism is re-exploding in Europe in the media, in the institutional, academic, civil, and production worlds, in the political world of right and left, with the old motivations, accusations, and modalities, which have their roots in Christian anti-Semitism and even further back in time; it reverberates in the Middle East with the propaganda of Hamas and other militant Islamist movements that are openly anti-Jewish, a variation on the theme, reinterpreting the same anti-Jewish modalities and prejudices of Christian, fascist and Nazi matrix; it echoes far across the world, fuelling the anti-Jewish hatred that for centuries has discriminated, persecuted, and eliminated Jews in thought and/or action. Considering also that there are repeated acts against Jews or against Jewish tangible or intangible property, e.g. stumbli


In the article " Nessuno tocchi Anna Frank " (Hands off Anne Frank ) , published in Il Venerdì of La Repubblica on 26 July 2024, Prof. Tomaso Montanari invites everyone to see Anne Frank not as an adversary - as those who deface her image by comparing her to State of Israel - but a very powerful ally of those who embrace the Palestinian cause. Anne Frank, with her unjust death in the Shoah , would constitute, according to the rector of the University of Siena, a symbol of denunciation against any collective persecution and, in particular, against the "genocide" (sic!) of the Palestinians and the "violent ”. colonialism" in progress perpetrated thanks to the criminal choices of the State of Israel. By re-proposing the repeated analogy between Israel and Nazism and indicating in a single symbol the obscene affinity between the victims of yesterday and the "executioners" of today, Montanari returns to abusing a script that is often provocative and


Cardinal Ravasi, we listened to your speech on the RAI TV program "Quante Storie", a speech which dates back to November 2023, rebroadcast yesterday 10 July, and which has had its poisonous effects to this day. We are outraged and demand that you finally rescind your words. With subtle "wisdom", you did not hesitate to underline the importance of words, to exalt your linguistic and conceptual erudition, to fascinate and seduce the public, recalling distant years, when Pope Wojtyla, visiting the synagogue in Rome and to our great Rabbi Elio Toaff, he called the Jews "elder brothers". And with method and art, he did not hesitate to recall precisely that "fraternal" bond (which, alas, was never fraternal, but coercive) to launch a real imprecation against the Jews, accusing them of total revenge, of practicing not the so-called "law of retaliation", which would be too little, but the law of those who want revenge equal to 70 times 7 the in


The NES We Socialist Jews , greet the outstanding victory of the Labour Party, renewed and engaged in a fight against the reaction and against antisemitism, and true to the great reformist socialist tradition. We hope that this signal which departs from London will be the beginning of a socialist renaissance in Europe and will bring a wind of peace in the world. The NES is open and ready for future collaborations, and wishes you good work. The NES We Socialist Jews , from Rome, July 5th, 2024 Date: 2024-07-05 Author: NES Noi Ebrei Socialisti - We Socialist Jews Click here to read the NES Manifesto and Appeal. In order to subscribe the Manifesto, please write your name, surname and occupation to: mobile 371 3498062 (WA) and email Italian Version


GREETING TO THE NEW PARTY OF THE ISRAELI LEFT The NES We Socialist Jews, a Jewish cultural-political group recently formed in Italy, welcomes with great satisfaction the news of the creation of a new Democratic Zionist Party in Israel with the merger of the two historic socialist parties, cornerstones of the Israeli left and heirs of the forces that they created the country. The creation of a new united party gives hope for a long-awaited political turning point, for the formation of a party shifted to the left, which can finally resolve the problems created by the right-wing coalition both within Israel and in its international relations. Naturally starting from a hoped-for solution to the conflict that has been bloodying Israel and its neighbors for many months. At a time when several European countries, including Italy, have fallen prey to the anti-democratic right, and Israel is also governed by a coalition that is strongly contested in Israeli civil society, there is a strong need


The  NES Noi Ebrei Socialisti - We the Socialist Jews , with  the Manifesto  that constitutes its premise, launches the following  Appeal for the creation of a Permanent Unilateral Negotiating Table (for Peace) , which openly, continuously and insistently calls for negotiations. Let the world know that the Jewish People, in the Land of Israel and in the Diaspora, indissolubly united in the struggle against terror and anti-Semitism, courageously calls for negotiations. One-sided bargaining is what one side carries out while waiting for the other side to become willing. The Unilateral and Permanent Negotiating Table would firmly demand: - to renounce anti-Semitism and terrorism as forms of political struggle; - to abandon the programme of destruction or subjugation of the Jewish people and the State of Israel. - to definitively reject the false accusations against the Jewish people of deicide, of conspiracy, of worshipping the god money, of constituting a world lobby for control and powe


25 Kislev 5784; 7 December 2023 Today, on the eve of Hanukkah 5784, two months after the October 7 pogrom, NES Noi Ebrei Socialisti (We Socialist Jews) was created in memory of the miraculous Jewish victory over the Greeks in Eretz Israel. NES inaugurates a Working Group of self-representation, which aims to interpret and act culturally and politically in a collectively manner and to stand resolutely against racism and to protect cultural diversity while striving to create a multicultural and federalist Socialism for social and environmental equity. NES fights against age-old discrimination and persecution that stems from the populist and authoritarian right, heirs of fascism and Nazism, who are increasingly on the rise both in Europe and elsewhere across the globe. At the same time, we are committed to combating antisemitism on the left, which today more than ever curtails free and equal Jewish participation in democratic initiatives and steadfastly counter racism that is displayin